LULA M-16 / AR-15 StripLULA - 5.56 strip clips
The Maglula® M-16/AR-15 .223/5.56 StripLula® 10-Round Magazine Loader and Unloader is designed to make your reloading experience faster, more reliable and safer. This all-weather loader is compatible with any 10-round AR-15 .223/5.56 magazine and protects both your thumbs and your magazine from injury or damage during loading. The durable, lightweight polymer body is battle-proven and is equipped with a simple spring-action lever that allows you to load or unload one round at a time. The Striplula can easily be attached or removed from your magazine without the need for any tools, making it a convenient and user-friendly option for range or field use. Order your StripLula today and experience the benefits of faster and more reliable reloads. Made in the USA.StripLULA - 5.56 strip clips Features
- The quickest simplest strip loader available today
- Ultra compact - 1/3 the size of similar loaders
- For AR-15/M-16 magazines.
- Durable reinforced polymer.
- No finger pain or injury.
M-16 / AR-15 10-round StripLULA™ loader and unloader for all such metal and plastic 5.56mm / .223 magazines, including PMAG’s and Lancer.
- Loads both 10-rd Stripper clips and 10 loose rounds.
- A simple unloader.*
- Small & durable.
Loads 10, 20, 30, 40 & 100 round 5.56 / .223 magazines, like:
- M16 / AR15 / M4 USGI (NATO STANAG 4179)
- Magpul PMAG
- H&K metal 416 / SA80
- Beretta AR 70-90
- Thermold
- Orlite
- SIG Arms (black mags)
All-in-one 10rd stripper clip and loose rounds magazine loader and unloader*.
- Fits all M-16 / AR-15 5.56mm type metal and polymer mags.
- Eliminates fingers pain and injury.
- Easy and quick loading.
- 1/3 the size of competing loaders.
- Prolongs magazine life.
- Reliable in all weather.
- Durable reinforced polymer.
- Ambidextrous.
Alt Description:
- striplula
- 5.56 strip loader
- 223 magazine loader
- magazine loader 223
- pmag strip loader
- 223 strip loader
- 556 speed loader
- 5.56 loader
- strip lula speed loader
- striplula ar-15 magazine loader
- strip loader
- strip lula speed loader 223
- 556 magazine loader
- 5.56 magazine loader
- 223 556 speed loader
- 223 mag loader
- strip lula
- 556 mag loader
Other Loader Quick Links
- uplula
- striplula
- lula loader
- uplula speed loader
- uplula magazine loader
- maglula speed loader
- uplula 9mm magazine loader
- lula speed loader
- speed loader 9mm
- ets speed loader
- 9mm speed loader
- ets loader
- speedloader 9mm
- ets mag loader
- ar 15 magazine loader
- ets speed loader 9mm
The distinction between inferior quality and premium AR-15 Magazine Loader is undeniable. At MSP, we only offer AR Accessories from the most trusted brands like Maglula. Buy with confidence that we stand behind the product we sell.
Customer Ratings & Reviews
I got charged twice. Never received anything
Awesome speed loader for 223 magazines
It took me a little while to figure out how to unlock the stripula for use (I know, that's pretty bad). Anyways, picked up some dutch ammo already in clips... and it slams it right down in. I've reloaded those strips and slammed them down in my Pmags with no issues. You can also load the stripula and use that without a clip. This is cheating big time. My princess's hands stay blood-free. (sorry - work joke for us full-time computer geeks)
This stripper clip speed loader is A MUST HAVE
The "striplula" is so simple to use for loading and unloading; it's THE BEST product in existence for the loading-unloading M-16 type magazines. From 10 rounds to 30 rounds; to 100 drum magazines, it works! I have had NO problems or concerns about the durability of this tool, and after using them for a few years (i know I have several) I recommend them hands down. I have not looked at the video Brownells has under the "learn" button, but if it is the one I saw several years ago in an out minute's time, it proves just how good it is. No mag pouch should be without one.
Get One If You Shoot A Lot
I was skeptical, but I'm a believer now. I wish I'd had one two decades ago! It makes loading loose rounds effortless. You stack them as if they were in a stripper clip, lift up the follower behind the stack, and push all the rounds into the mag. I haven't used it with stripper clips yet. I've only used it with Lancer mags. It's awesome!
223 556 speed loader - Blown away
I got this speed loader today, and to say I was blown away would be an understatement. From the time I opened the package, I had 180 stripper clip rounds loaded, including the learning curve, 5 MINUTES! I've been hand-loading mags for 25 years, and I wish I had found this fantastic product way back then. I rarely write reviews, but this product impressed me so much I felt compelled.
Strip lula speed loader 223 is a Must have tool
I absolutely love this striplula ar-15 magazine loader. Sore fingers, cracked knuckles, and missed loads are a thing of the past. If you load no more than five magazines, it may not be worth your money. If you are an average to heavy shooter, this thing will pay for itself the 1st time you use it.
This 5.56 magazine loader is a nail saver
This 5.56 strip loader is essential for any woman with a 5.56 firearm and cares about her hands and nails. It is fast, efficient and easy to use, so even men can use it!!😂 Compact, so easy to take for loading at the range. Great Loader!
Best 223 magazine loader
This simplifies loading magazines, even with gritty, binding stripper clips. A must-have if you shoot your ar a lot.
From the time of purchase to the time of delivery was exceptional and the use of the StripLULA was even better.it has made using stripper Clips as such an awesome way to load The use of the spoon is a way of the past and I want to say thank you
Greatest thing since sliced bread
I've been using these strip Lula ar-15 magazine loader for several years now and have one in a range bag, one with a box of empty magazines, one with the ammo can of 5.56, and one in the rifle case. I wish this were around when I was on active duty. After a few clips of ammo, it works smooth, I stand mag on end and push or turn the whole thing upside down and push magazine on to bullets. I showed my nephew how to use his new black gun, and he bought it on the spot from me.
It took me a little while to figure out how to unlock the striplula for use (I know, that's pretty bad). Anyways, picked up some dutch ammo already in clips... and it slams it right down in. I've reloaded those strips and slammed them down in my Pmags with no issues. It can also load the Striplula and use that without a clip. This is cheating big time. My princess's hands stay blood-free. (sorry - work joke for us fulltime computer geeks)
Way Better Than The Standard 5.56 strip loader
Just like I have come to expect from Maglula, this striplula 5.56 speed loader works perfectly and is super fast. It is easy to use and makes loading the pre-loaded stripper clips super easy. Being in law enforcement, I have always used the standard metal loaders that are usually included with our practice and duty ammo. Although the conventional metal loaders work, they often are difficult to attach to some mags, especially the P-Mags. Then once connected, you are using your fingers to apply pressure to the rounds, which can cause some shots to fall out of the stripper clips before making it into the magazine. The Maglula takes care of these problems and makes loading hundreds of rounds super easy. It securely attaches to the back of the magazine like the standard one but works with all magazines that I own. Once on, it has a large polymer latch that slides up from the back, flips over, and applies the pressure to the rounds. Because of the shape of the latch, it makes the pressure even, and the rounds slide into the magazine with little or no effort. One great feature I like about the Maglula is that the latch folds back onto the main frame, making it very compact and easy to store. I keep mine in my TYR Tactical Admin Pouch, which is attached to my Battle Belt. It is always with me when I need to load up for whatever I am doing. One thing that bothered me about the Maglula is that the polymer doesn't seem as sturdy as I would like. Other than that, it is way better than the standard mag loaders and makes your life easier...also save your fingers when shooting a lot of ammunition in one day. I highly recommend this mag loader. You will not be disappointed and will be well worth the money...trust me!