UM Tactical R.A.G.E. TCS (Total Compensation System) for 556/223
Defined as Rapid Adjustable Gas Expulsion, it’s a Total Compensation System. This new Rifle compensator is the world’s first re-configurable recoil management device.
With our system there is no drilling, no mistakes to make. Placement of the port washers allows for total control and tuning of your rifle to your liking.
The UM Tactical R.A.G.E. TCS presents the clear leader in muzzle recoil management devices. A few advantages of our system: Easy Installation. Reduction in felt recoil, Reduction in muzzle rise. No grinding. No drilling. Extremely easy cleaning. You buy one device and it’s re-configurable for any changes you make to your rifle system or load, Forever. Full auto shooters will enjoy the massively reduced recoil and muzzle climb.
Each kit includes case, Muzzle Barrel and Nut, 5 Port Washers for 100+ Configurations, Crush Washer, 4 Set Screw w/wrench and a Shooter Set Up Log.
Features and Benefits of the UM Tactical Rage:
- Easy Installation
- Reduction in felt recoil
- Reduction in muzzle rise
- Completely re-configurable at any time
- No modifications needed in the tuning process (drilling or grinding)
- Easy cleaning
- Low flash signature
- Extremely accurate follow-up shots
- Conforms to 3 Gun Nation and U.S.P.S.A. Multi-gun rules
- Available for left-handed shooters as well
- Available in black or stainless
- Additional Port Washers and Muzzle Barrel Nuts available for even more configurations.
- Made in the USA
AR 15 muzzle brake quick links:
- Best ar 15 muzzle brake
- Best 5.56 muzzle brake
- Best ar muzzle brake
- Best muzzle brake
- 223 muzzle brake
- 556 Muzzle Brake
- AR 15 compensator
- Best muzzle brake for ar-15
- Best ar 15 muzzle device
The distinction between inferior quality and premium AR-15 Muzzle Brake is undeniable. At MSP, we only offer AR-15 Accessories from the most trusted brands like UM Tactical. Buy with confidence that we stand behind the product we sell.
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