Ghost Pro Triger Connector for Glock 42/43/43X/48
When you first receive this connector, install it first before trimming/reducing. Apply extra pressure and see if it releases the firing pin. If it does with extra pressure you will trim down very little to get a clean smooth release.
This is the connector long sought after by Glock 42, 43, 43X and 48 Enthusiast everywhere. This is the Smoothest Connector on the market today.
GHOST, Inc G42/43 PRO Trigger Connector for Glock 42, 43, 43X and 48's!
This one fits only Glock 42, 43, 43X and 48.
- Average Reduction in trigger weight is 2.5 lbs.
- Lightest Stage Free Trigger
- Smoother Than any other Trigger
- Shorter Pull Eliminates Over Travel
- Perfect Function
- Fits Glock 42, 43, 43X and 48
- Ghost Lifetime Guarantee
- Minor Fitting Required
The GHOST G42/G43 PRO is the best self-defense & Target trigger control connector Ghost makes!
The G42/G43 PRO is Smoother, Lighter, Shorter and eliminates trigger Over-travel! These attributes give you the fastest most accurate first shot hit advantage of any self-defense Glock style trigger.
The G42/G43 PRO fixes the Glock bump or glitch, this is the pre-travel resistance you feel and must overcome when the trigger bar bumps into the connector. This bump causes you to apply excessive force and will move the pistol off target. Another thing the G42/G43 PRO corrects is trigger over-travel; the excessive movement of the trigger after the pistol fires. Over-travel causes the pistol to move off of alignment with the target, making your shot go low and to one side.
The G42/G43 PRO is the best self-defense connector made! We believe that this trigger control connector makes all others obsolete. Once you try it, we know you will agree! Minor fitting required.
This Connector is For CCW Self-Defense.
Recommended: A gunsmith or armorer should install this connector.
PLEASE NOTE : THIS IS NOT A DROP IN TRIGGER CONNECTOR: Small flat Swiss file needed to fit.
Alt Description:
- Glock 42 Connector
- Glock 43 Connector
- Glock 43X Connector
- Glock 48 Connector
- Ghost pro connector glock 43
- G43 connector
- Glock 43 triggers
- G42 trigger
- Glock 43 ghost
- Glock 43 trigger connector
- Glock 42 ghost trigger
Ghost Inc Quick links:
- Ghost ultimate 3.5 connector
- Ghost trigger
- Ghost inc glock
- Ghost connector
- Ghost ranger
- Ghost edge connector
- Ghost extended slide release
- Ghost bullet slide release
- Ghost slide release
- Ghost mag extension
- Ghost evo elite
- Ghost maritime spring cups
Accessories for glock 43 Quick Links:
- Glock 43 IWB Holster
- Glock 43X IWB Holster
- Glock 43X MOS IWB Holster
- Glock 43X Rail IWB Holster
- Glock 43 OWB Holster
- Glock 43X OWB Holster
- Glock 43X MOS OWB Holster
- Glock 43X Rail OWB Holster
- Glock 43 Holster
- Glock 43X Holster
- Glock 43X MOS Holster
- Glock 43X Rail Holster
- glock 43x accessories
- glock 43 accessories
- glock 43x light
- glock 43x upgrades
- glock 43 extended mag
- glock 43x extended mag
- glock 43 light
- glock 43x magazine extension plus 2
- g43x accessories
- glock 43 mag extension plus 2
- glock 43x attachments
- glock 43x laser light
- glock 43 laser light
- glock 43 trigger
- glock 43 mag release
- speed loader 9mm
Glock 48 Links
- glock 48 extended magazine
- glock 48 accessories
- glock 48 light
- glock 48 upgrades
- glock 48 extended mag
- glock 48 holster
- glock 48 owb holster
- glock 48 iwb holster
- glock 48 mos light
The distinction between inferior quality and premium Glock trigger connector is undeniable. At MSP, we only offer Glock 43 Accessories from the most trusted brands like GHOST Inc. Buy with confidence that we stand behind the product we sell.
Customer Ratings & Reviews
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This Ghost Pro trigger connector could very well be the best upgrade available for a Glock 43. I recently installed it on my Glock 43, and now I realize that it should have been the first upgrade that I made. The trigger now feels more similar to a Sig 365 trigger press than a traditional Glock, which has greatly improved my accuracy. During dry fire drills, it's much easier to keep the front sight on target through the squeeze and follow-through because the over-travel is virtually gone. This makes accuracy much easier to achieve, and the reset seems even more crisp than before. The over-travel is adjustable as well. When installed, there is a small sloping bar on the connector that can be honed down to time the trigger bar with the release of the striker, which eliminates or reduces over-travel based on the shooter's preference. I also added a Vickers Tactical flat-faced trigger shoe last year. If I had known that this Ghost Pro connector was available, I probably could have skipped the trigger shoe upgrade, but together they make a dynamic duo for my trustworthy little friend. I use this handgun for competition, but its primary role is personal protection.
Absolutely love it
Fitting is an essential requirement for this product, as indicated clearly on both the package and instructions. After having a professional gunsmith fit and install it on one of my custom G48 pistols, I was impressed with the results. Consequently, I ordered one for myself and followed the instructions, resulting in a perfect installation that engaged all the safeties, as verified by the half-plate (I'm also a certified Glock Armorer). I recommend this product to anyone who can read and follow simple directions. In fact, I was so pleased with the results that I purchased another one for my other G48.
Absolutely love it
Fitting is definitely necessary for this product, as stated clearly on the package and in the instructions. When a professional gunsmith fitted and installed it on one of my custom G48 pistols, the results were amazing. I was so impressed that I ordered one and installed it myself, following the directions carefully. The result was perfect, and when I checked with the half-plate, I could see that all the safeties were engaged (I'm also a certified Glock Armorer). I highly recommend this product to anyone who can read and follow simple directions. In fact, I was so pleased with the first one that I purchased another one for my other G48.
Cured the worst glock trigger
Compared to other Glocks I've owned, the trigger on my G48 was the worst. The hard break and over travel made it difficult to maintain sight alignment. However, after fitting the Pro Connector to reduce the over travel and testing it at the range, the trigger is now much smoother and more controllable. In fact, I'm now able to shoot with ease and accuracy, even hitting targets at 20 yards and opening bottles effortlessly.
Amoother ahooting
By using this glock 43x ghost trigger, you can achieve a smoother trigger, which can lead to improved shooting. Although instructions are included, I recommend seeking assistance unless you are confident in your ability to disassemble your gun and file the small trigger control.
It is indeed worth the extra efforteffort
I recently switched from a Glock G43 connector to this upgrade and the difference is significant. Although some filing and polishing is required on the top of the tab, it's definitely worth it. The trigger pull is much lighter, yet still delivers a satisfying, crisp break. It also greatly reduces over travel, making it a huge win overall. I highly recommend this upgrade for your G42/43 if you want to improve your shooting experience. With this upgrade, I no longer hate my G43!
Works Good, Needs Fitting
In my experience installing both the G43 and G48, I've found that the tab on these triggers is consistently too long, which can make it difficult to adjust without the specialized armorers rear plate. I highly recommend getting that plate before beginning the installation process. While these triggers are effective in reducing over-travel jump, it's important to find a balance between reducing the jump and ensuring that the trigger has enough travel to allow the striker to properly hit the primer. Additionally, I find it outrageous that these triggers are priced at around $40 MSRP, as a stock replacement can be purchased for under $10. Essentially, you're paying an additional $30 for a small amount of extra material, which is ridiculous.
Great upgrade!!
Easy install. Another quality product from Ghost Inc. Noticeably smoother trigger pull. I highly recommend to anyone with a G42.
ghost pro connector glock 43 is indeed worth the extra efforteffort
Upgraded from a Glock "-" G43 connector to this, and it's a HUGE difference. Yes, you need to do some filing and polishing on the top of that little tab, but it's so worth it. Lighter pull but still with a crisp break. Greatly reduced over travel. Huge win. It is highly recommended for your G42/43. I don't hate mine anymore!!
Ghost Pro Connector alone made my Glock trigger a lot better
I looked at different Glock 43 connectors that offered a lighter pull and settled on the Pro Connector. Glad I did! It didn't take much time to file it down to where the trigger broke and racked properly. I cannot believe how a simplistic little part like this makes the dreaded G43 trigger much smoother, and much better. Just the Ghost Pro Connector alone made my Glock trigger a lot better, and a lot easier to pull! There's a remarkable difference in "Over Travel" as well. I never recognized how “Over Travel” can affect your point of impact. Now, the muzzle literally stays straight and doesn’t dart to the right because over travel. This actually does improve shot accuracy. Because of this Ghost Pro Connector, I adore the G43 more so now than I ever have. I am keeping it Forever!
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