Ghost 3.5 lb. Evo Elite Trigger Control Connector for Glock
The GHOST EVO ELITE is the best self-defense trigger control connector we have ever made!
The EVO ELITE is Smoother, Lighter, Shorter and eliminates trigger Over-travel!
These attributes give you the fastest most accurate first shot hit advantage of any self-defense Glock style trigger.
The EVO ELITE fixes the Glock bump or glitch, this is the pre-travel resistance you feel and must overcome when the trigger bar bumps into the connector. This bump causes you to apply excessive force and will move the pistol off target.
Another thing the EVO ELITE corrects is trigger over-travel; the excessive movement of the trigger after the pistol fires. Over-travel causes the pistol to move off of alignment with the target, making your shot go low and to one side.
The EVO ELITE is the best self-defense connector made and by changing a few springs you can also have the best sport trigger connector! We believe that this trigger control connector makes all others obsolete. Once you try it, we know you will agree! Minor fitting required.
Alt Description:
- Glock 17 Connector
- Glock 19 Connector
- Glock 21 Connector
- Glock 22 Connector
- Glock 23 Connector
- Glock 24 Connector
- Glock 25 Connector
- Glock 31 Connector
- Glock 32 Connector
- Glock 34 Connector
- Glock 35 Connector
Ghost Inc Quick links:
- Ghost ultimate 3.5 connector
- Ghost trigger
- Ghost inc glock
- Ghost connector
- Ghost ranger
- Ghost edge connector
- Ghost extended slide release
- Ghost bullet slide release
- Ghost slide release
- Ghost mag extension
- Ghost evo elite
- Ghost maritime spring cups
The distinction between inferior quality and premium Glock trigger connector is undeniable. At MSP, we only offer Glock Accessories from the most trusted brands like GHOST Inc. Buy with confidence that we stand behind the product we sell.
Customer Ratings & Reviews
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2:11 / 5:56 Glock Ghost Connector (does it work?)
I've installed this connector in my Glock 17 Gen 4 and wanted to compare its trigger pull with my Glock 19 Gen 4. Using my trigger pull gauge, the Glock 19 consistently had around 5.5 pounds. Now, onto the Glock 17 with the Ghost Connector: I recorded about 4.5 pounds on average. It claims a 3.5-pound reduction, but I only noticed this when pulling at the very end of the trigger. In my experience, the Ghost Connector does lighten the pull, but the exact reduction depends on where you place your finger. I'd recommend it based on my results. However, Dirt Road Gun Show had a significant issue with his Ghost Connector. I urge you to check out his video to get another perspective. I had a smooth experience, but it's always good to see different opinions. Thanks for watching, and catch you next time!
Trigger is Great
The Pro part is that when it's done, the Trigger is Great. I let a couple of friends at the gun range shoot it, and all were impressed. The Con part? Now, if you read, you are warned that fitting may be required. If you good at you in good shape. I had to go to a local Gunsmith to finish it for me. Glad I did that, a great Trigger.
Ghost evo elite is a Crisp break, short reset
This is my second Evo connector. You need to be able to file/grind down the leading arm to an exact (or shorter) length. If you grind it too short, it still works fine as far as the gun goes "bang," but the break and reset won't be perfect. The package will indicate an "armorer" gunsmith should do the work, but if you are handy and patient, it is not too difficult. Watch the YouTube videos for some handy tips on when you will know you are close to having the cut the correct length without having to assemble and reassemble the gun. The longer you use any trigger system, the smoother it gets. The mushy Glock standard trigger cleans up pretty nice with this connector installed. Do the "25 cents" polish job you will see on the Internet to further smooth out the trigger.
Impeccable! Really surprised!!
This Ghost Evo elite does require fitting. However, slow is smooth, smooth is fast. I bought a smooth file and a medium grade file which worked flawlessly. I did about 15-20 swipes on the medium grade file on each filing session. I got the trigger to fall around the fifth attempt (install, reassemble firearm, disassemble, restart). When I got it to where I thought it needed to be, I used my trigger pull gauge, and it was varying from about 8-11lbs. I filed some more and got it at 3.7lbs with the 6lb trigger spring. No over-travel and no "bump" through the trigger squeeze. I can't believe it. I was literally about to drop $260 on a Pyramid Trigger again- No Need! Take your time, and you'll get it right the first time. In the .45/10mm pistols, Ghost Inc does recommend using a heavy 6lb striker spring to inhibit light primer strikes, so that'll probably bring me up to about 4lbs on the trigger pull. I am also installing a competition plunger spring, so that should smooth up the trigger squeeze as well. Perfect!
No Wall
For those of you that do not like the typical wall in their trigger pull, this ghost evo elite 3.5 connector just about elimninates all sensation of that letter off point. When's fitted correctly with the other parts, it is a very smooth pull; however, I fear that the design does not appear to be strong enough to carry use. The backstop portion of the connector is only supported by two very thin pieces of metal and not a solid piece as it is in the original one. It could snap off, but I have use mine for several months and about 5000 rounds so far.
Much better Glock Trigger
An excellent improvement to my Glock triggers. I have the Ghost Evo elite installed on G20, 29, 21, 30S, 19 (x2). Love it. You will not be disappointed. Follow the directions on ghost website and make sure you trim off to start so it falls into the notch and is not in the drop safety area or you will be taking your slide apart to get it apart.
Ghost Evo Elite
A must add on to all Glock enthusiast!
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