Buffer Technologies AK/Valmet/Galil Recoil Buffer
The AK/Valmet Recoil Buffer™ fits on the recoil spring guide rod of any Kalashnikov style weapon. This includes AKs, Valmets, Galils, Vepr, and MAK 90s, just to name a few. Installation takes less than a minute and can be done without any special tools. What makes the kalashnikov action so reliable, is also what causes its inevitable downfall, the violent manner in which it works. Each time you fire your rifle the gas system propels the bolt carrier to the rear very violently, which generates a shock wave that is absorbed by the metal receiver. After a period of time, this repeated pounding causes the action itself to lose its structural integrity. The most notable side effect of this is the difficulty one has in controlling the weapon during rapid fire. By installing a Recoil Buffer™ you totally eliminate the metal to metal impact of the bolt carrier to the receiver and most of the action noise.
Those whose who install Recoil Buffers™ into their AK's will not only be protecting their investment by prolonging its service life, but they will also find that the recoil is reduced and muzzle stability is increased. In fact, Recoil Buffers™ can do this for any gun! They work so well that many people believe they should be installed in all guns by their manufacturers. Unfortunately, this is not yet the case. So, until that time comes, make sure your weapon functions as well as it possibly can!
AK 47 Recoil Buffer Install
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What Is A Recoil Buffer?? What Can It Do For Your Gun?
A Recoil Buffer is a product designed by Buffer Technologies to cushion the trauma your bolt and receiver experience during normal cartridge discharge.
Each carefully designed buffer is made from a polyurethane with specific shock-absorbing properties. When it is placed between the bolt and what it slams against at the extreme range of its travel, the buffer acts as a gentle cushion. Without the buffer, the bolt is driven backwards to make direct violent contact with another piece of steel. In time, this pounding takes its toll. The gun becomes less accurate and the action becomes dangerously loose.
Customer Ratings & Reviews
Product review Valmet recoil buffer
Product is good, came in on time.
Ak buffer
Works well
AK Recoil Buffer
Installed in my Century Arms AK (Romanian) with a MI modest muzzle brake, ran 80 rounds of 7.62x39mm ball without a jam, offhand at 25 yard groups were smaller as the rifle stayed on target and it passed the t-shirt test and didn't leave any bruising on my shoulder. It works with my notched aftermarket safety.
Very noticable improvement
I was having a slight issue with the bolt carrier not always returning forward after firing, but after adding this buffer, I have not experienced that issue, and it has made the recoil even more manageable. The only downside is that the buffer prevents the bolt from retracting back far enough to lock the bolt open with the safety selector, though that is not a big enough negative to give the 4 stars.
Recoil buffer
Recoil buffer works exactly as it is intended. No metal on metal on metal contact and the action is quieter. I can not tell if ir reduced recoil because I never fired this new AK without the buffer. I have buffers in all my 1911s so why not in my AK47. I am very happy with how it works. This is on a Century Arms BFT47 and the only down side is the bolt notch on the safety lever doesn't work now because the bolt doesn't come back far enough to engage. I think it is worth the trade off.
This buffer can buffer all night long.....
What can I say, this is a buffer pad. It buffers. One dosn't need to read a review to dermine your carrier slaming into your trunion is ridiculous. The only guestion that really matters is are you trying to get under the skin of AK47 "purists"? Well my friend, this is the very best way to make those chumpies crap on the spot. Throw on $2,000 worth of rails, optics, and gunskins and you culd slay many a man on TheAKforum dot net......
AK Buffer
I've been using this Buffer Tech AK buffer for maybe 20 years and the only place that I can find this brand lately is at Mounts Plus. Does my AK NEED a buffer? No but it feels smoother and the buffer prevents the peeing to the rear trunnion from the BCG slamming into it during the firing cycle. This prevents wear and keeps that area looking pretty if you ever sell your gun.
A most useful accessory
This buffer is supposed to be made of some high tech polymer like delrin but they wouldn't tell me which one [trade secret]. However it works just like advertised. I couldn't tell any reduced recoil after shooting my Norinco MAK90 with it installed. Mine is the Chicom Type 56-1 copy with the forged receiver. This buffer is more useful on the newer guns with the sheet metal receivers. Warning to owners of full auto guns: the buffer will increase your cyclic rate slightly because it shortens the overall stroke. Excellent Product!
I put one of these on my Egyptian Maddi
I put one of these on my Egyptian Maddi back in 95 when I bought it, and it's still there in good shape today. It has protected the rear of my carrier and trunnion so neither show any wear marks at all despite having several thousand rounds through it. Definitely recommended for valuable early model AKs as it also protects the receiver from the shock of the carrier making contact with the rear trunnion and transmitting that shock into the rear rivets. Well worth installing.
A Better AK 47 Recoil Buffer
Better quality than the original recoil buffer that came in my AK, I have had no difficulties and regularly use a buffer in my gun to prolong the life of the action and less wear on metal parts.
This AK47 Buffer works great
This AK47 Buffer works great — no fitting needed on my AK. Easy installation, just field strip and take apart the recoil system and slide it on and return the spring. If you want you can leave it that way with the rear recoil guide rod, then buffer and then spring it works just as well. Just look at the spring when cleaning to look for wear.
got to have one
Does what it says. I had to use a step drill to carefully remove enough material to fit over spring. Only took a few seconds to install.