Adjustable Bag Rider
Features of the Adjustable Bag Rider:
- Unequaled ease in vertical adjustment in micro intervals
- F-Class and ELR legal
- No need to purchase expensive and/or heavy adjustable front rests
- Rock solid horizontal stability (no wobble)
- Less than 16oz
- Straight tracking
- No positional body changes to adjust vertical
- No more squeezing a bag (reduces vertical dispersion)
- Two lower rider options probably fit a bag you have
The Adjustable Bag Riders (ABR) has been designed from the ground up. The RPR ABR is a direct replacement for the lower Picatinny rail on both the Ruger Precision Rifle (RPR) and RPR Magnum. Other designs mount to the lower Picatinny rail (of the listed rifles) and some bolt-on. The ABR is the only bolt-on enhancement that provides vertical adjustment while providing horizontal stability without requiring positional body changes. Current angled bag riders require positional changes to the rifle and body, causing point of impact inconsistencies. The ABR replaces the need for expensive, heavy, and bulky adjustable front rests and wobbly monopods. Install the ABR and say goodbye to the mound of costly and heavy equipment you take to the range. Installation is straightforward, quick, and once done, you never have to remove it. Rear micro-adjustment built right into the rifle! The bottom rider is available in two (Some have 3) different options.
Adjustable Bag Rider with the V bottom that fits the standard 3/8” stitch bag
The ABR is made locally and assembled in the USA. It is made out of the highest quality aluminum CNC made and anodized for superior wear resistance. There are two custom hardened alloy steel dowels that ride in linear bearings for consistent, smooth operation. The two Delrin thrust washers are known for their strength and creep resistance. The ABR is made to last, weighs less than a pound. The length of pull adjustments is machined into the ABR. Whether you plan to go to the bench or want to take a shot in the field, you are guaranteed to have previously unattainable stability and micro-adjustment with you at all times!
Alt Description:
- Adjustable bag rider
- Picatinny bag rider
- rifle bag rider
- Adjustable rear bag rider
- RPR bag rider
- picatinny rear bag rider
- bag rider
- picatinny rail bag rider
- bag rider rifle
- bag riders
- picatinny rail rear bag rider
- ruger precision bag rider
- rear bag rider picatinny
- adjustable bag base
- MDT adjustable bag rider
- bag rider for rifle stock
- rear bag rider
- rifle bag riders
- bag riders for rifles
- adjustable rear bag base
- prs bag rider
- mdt bag rider
- rifle stock bag rider