Buffer Technologies
One of the main reasons weapon breaks down way before their time is the recoil damage created by firing the gun itself. This recoil will eat away at various parts of the weapon, making them brittle until they finally give out – and sadly they do so in the worst of times: during combat. Thankfully modern technology has found various ways to preserve weapons, no matter how you much you use them. Avoiding recoil damage entirely is impossible, but Buffer Technologies offer you the next best thing, which is their fantastic product line of recoil buffers.
What these recoil buffers do is preventing the bolt, bolt carrier, op rod or slide to contact the receiver. Placing the weapon buffer from Buffer Technologies does not require any modification to your weapon, further protecting it from damage. Using elastic, gun-friendly materials is one of the many reasons why weapon buffers from Buffer Technologies are an excellent choice when you wish to protect a valuable weapon and its accessories from recoil damage. So, unless you do not care about the natural deterioration of your gun due to the unavoidable firing recoil, you should as soon as possible get your recoil buffer from Buffer Technologies!
Buffer Technologies Recoil Buffers
Recoil buffers from Buffer Technologies will reduce recoil impulse, and prolong the service life of your firearm. It stops the bolt, bolt carrier, op rod, or slide from directly contacting the receiver. The recoil buffer requires no modification to the gun.
Buffer Technologies MagCinch
MagCinch The MagCinch will securely combine two magazines into one solid unit. It doubles the amount of ammo on the firearm, giving you the fastest reload possible. This also allows for retention of partially loaded magazines when a tactical reload is performed. The MagCinch uses a patented system to bind the magazines together using nylon webbing. Once assembled, they are solid as a rock.